The Open Door Foundation channels and monitors financial contributions towards various essentials like supplementing food, clothing, and shelter at the various child-care homes we partner with. Your contributions will go a long way in providing comfort and care to the children.
How to donate:​
Bank Transfer: You may make the donation (in Indian Rupees) directly to our bank account and send us an email at ContactUs@theopendoor.in to secure a receipt for your donation.
Bank: HDFC || HDFC0000077
Account: The Open Door Foundation || # 00772020000522 || Current Account
Cheque: Mail your donation cheques to The Open Door Foundation, #176, 5th Main, Defence Colony, Indiranagar, Bangalore, 560 038
Cash: Small donations may be dropped off at the office
Corporations: The Open Door Foundation works closely with Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives. Please email or call us to understand how best your organization could support some of our larger programs.
All donations made to the Open Door Foundation are eligible for tax exemption under section 80G of the Indian income Tax Act.
You can donate to the overall organization or to one of our locations: Domlur, Wilson's Gardens, Shivaji Nagar, Frazer Town, Museum Road, and Chamrajpet.
If you need help with your donation, please email us (contactus@theopendoor.in) or call us (+91 80 4093 3081) for our bank details